Kirstie tagged me for this Eight Things game. So here we go!
8 things I am looking forward to:
- My birthday! And associated partying
- Getting my new sewing machine. Soon, soon!
- Is it too early to say Summer? I'm sick of cold hands
- The cruise I'm going on at the end of this year !
- The Stitches and Craft Show, take 2.
- Meeting Amy, maybe. (As in I might be meeting her, not that I am maybe excited.)
- Long weekend, made double good because of my Birthday.
- Starting my new project at my dress making class. Cute dress, here I come!
8 Things I did yesterday:
- Brown Owls! Hoot!
- Had dinner at a restaurant by myself. Love it.
- Did a lot of things at work. Busy!
- Made some nice progress on the jumper that never ends.
- Emailed Fii about the Stitches and Craft Show in August.
- Tried to draw some new things for some stamps. Did not go too well.
- Met some nice Owl girls, and re met some and then actually learnt their names!
- Bought a cute hanky off Pip to embroider with some Sublime Stitching
8 Things I wish I could do:
- Crochet well. This means Amigumuri!
- Paint/draw.
- Pattern drafting and clothing design.
- Better cutting when I'm doing stuff for quilt tops. More symmetry!
- Keep my house clean.
- Hang things on the walls of my house, damn renting.
- Write, as in well. Like journalist style. Just for leisure. But I'd still like to be better.
- Get a good nights sleep!
8 Shows I watch:
- Fringe, my new favourite. In no small part because it has Pacey from Dawson's Creek in it. He's so dreamy!
- Reaper. As mentioned previously.
- 30 Rock. So hilarious!
- Gossip Girl
- Dawson's Creek (ashamed of these last 2, but not really)
- Supernatural, just the right amount of scary and fun.
- American Dad/Family Guy/South Park, I'm juvenile
- It's always sunny in Philadelphia. This is a new one to me. It's so, so, so funny. I highly recommend it!
So, has everyone learnt something about me? Maily that I
love watching T.V.
Here's the rules, just in case you want to follow them:.
1. Mention the name of the person who tagged you.
2. Do the lists of 8.
3. Tag 8 bloggers of your choice.
4. Let them know that they have been tagged!
I don't really tag people that much. So if you're reading this. Consider yourself tagged! Let me know if you decide to play, so I can come and have a look-see.
P.S. Have you gotten any mail off me this week? I'm getting paranoid!