26 October 2008

This is...

What I'm surprised that I like.

Hanging out with my mum and nanna.

This one isn't something that I'm surprised about so much, but other people sure are. I had a bit of trouble with the topic this week. But since I went out with them today, it was good inspiration!

Today we went to the Como Gardens. It's a private estate in the Basin near my house with the most beautiful grounds, including a lake, mini rain forest and formal vegetable garden. I'm sure that a lot of people that live around the Dandenong Ranges will have heard of the garden. They open their gates twice a year with all proceeds going towards charities such as the SES, St John's Ambulance and the CFA.

Here are some photos of the gorgeous lily's, hydrangeas and other flowers that I saw today. I'm really happy with how they turned out! I'm going to select four or so and have them printed and put them in a frame for my nanna's Christmas present.

Hope you Enjoyed.


1 comment:

Jessica Lonard (The Crafty Librarian) said...

They're really nice photos. Nanna will like that :o)

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