04 October 2010

Spring cleaning - Day 4

In preperation for the move we've started the clean out.

This is our freezer as it was yesterday morning. And yes I am ashamed. One of us had left the door ajar a little while back, and not notice for a week or so. When I went back after I was faced with something similar to this, but not as bad. We then forgot about it and I went and had a look last week and saw this....

We have the problem that the freezer is wedged in a space and the washing machine blocks it in. So we couldn't get it out without moving the washing machine too. That's a lot of effort really.

Anyway, after a big morning of moving things to the nature strip for hard rubbish, and walking around car city for about an hour I tackled this.

I have to say, it was heaps of fun! I spent about 2 hours just laying into with a bar-b-mate (big heavy spatula). It was a nice warm day, so the flying ice wasn't annoying it was amusing! I reckon I could have even gotten some small nephews to find the joy in it.

Now we have a freezer that's not going to be used till the first weekend of December, since there's no point filling it up before we move. But still a job well done.

- Jemma


Lets get bloggy said...

oh my lord!

Snooze said...

You are absolutely a girl after my heart ... although you list of things to do thi syear is far more impressive than mine. I only have a measly 8 things on my list.

You might also like to check out pencils and pins. Catherine runs a weekly Reverse Finds theme that's really helping with spring cleaning my house.

I'm off to check out how well you're doing with your list. Even with only 8 things on my list my renovations have been a total failure.

Happy Blogtoberfest.

My blog

willywagtail said...

That's terrific. Evey job done early is less stress later. Hope your new laundry has a better layout. Cherrie

miss~nance said...

That would have freaked me out something chronic.

I am a fellow blogtoberfest participant and this is my first visit to your blog. I am hoping to get around to all the blogs this month.I would love you to visit mine


noricum said...

Wow... I have *never* seen a freezer like that... not even the crap fridge-freezer at a previous rental. (Although that one we did need to defrost regularly to find the items buried in it.)

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