I've just ordered this from the edward and lilly made it store as the prize for this giveaway. I already own a brooch of my own and it's very cute so I thought I'd share one with one of you.
And now, the challenge. I know that I am really different in real life than most people would think I am from reading this blog. For one thing, I swear like a sailor. I'm not nearly as politely spoken day to day. And I say cool a lot. But the main thing that people are amazed to learn about me is that I love music. Specifically the louder, angrier and faster the better.
I love punk and metal and hardcore and post hardcore and any other kind of core you can think of. Going to a concerts and dancing and shoving and jumping is one of my favourite things to do in the world, even more than making!
So there you go. What's your bloggy secret? Your secret personality quirk, your thing that someone would never guess you loved? Answer in the comments and each answer is one entry. Extra entries for mentioning the giveaway on your blog.
**Winner will be picked at random next Friday the 22nd and I'll also announce another giveaway that day too for the last week of the wonderful blogtoberfest!**
Have fun!
(make sure you let me know if you mention this on your blog)
Don't forget to tell CurlyPops about your giveaway!
Hmmm lets see... not sure if it's a secret, but I tape Bold and the Beautiful every day so I don't miss it.
Like you, I swear like a sailor. People usually are quite shocked at my mouth. I use a lot of cutesy talk too. Drives my husband mental!
But.... But..... If I say it here, it won't be a secret any more!! Ack - which of my deep, dark secrets can I bear to share?! ;-)
OK then: I'm very, VERY untidy. I'm hopeless at putting stuff away. Even though in many ways I'm extrememly organised.
Biggest surprise would be that I was a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps, I was rowdy, drank a lot, swore something terrible, made junior Marines cry...and to top it all off, I was a diesel truck mechanic...dirty and covered in grease everyday! Far cry from the stay at home mommy crafter I am now! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
No major secrets but I love the giveaway.
I could have written your post word for word ;) huge ACDC and KISS fan!!!
My big secret is I quite often buy little nick-nacks just because... For no reason. I don't need them. And I can't stop!!! I think I get it from my late Nan ;)
I too swear like a trooper LOL
I am hopeless with house work:) Photos taken in the house and displayed on Blog are only a little clean corner of the world I live in:)
I like to drive fast. I don't really care for sports cars (sedans are more practical), but I still like to put the pedal to the metal.
I once got drunk at a school party and I passed out and woke up with a hand inked tattoo which I only got around to having removed when I got married.
Shhhh, don't tell anyone!
I am so OC that I have to have matching pegs when I hang out the clothes on the line. My boyfriend's Mum took pity on me and bought me pegs all the same colour so I didn't have to stress every time I hung the clothes out! I also keep my fabric in colour order. I know, Freak!
Very cute brooch! My secret is that I would really love to live on a boat. Not a deep dark secret, but one that rarely comes up in conversation. Thanks for letting me share.... I feel so much better.
Ally <'v'>
Ok here we go.......I want hair like Barbra Streisand! Not the young Barbra, the hair she has now as an older woman.....a big curly head wouldn't suit me!
OK, here we go....Some of my favorite shows on TV right now are Billy the Exterminator, Bounty Hunter and Seven Seagal Lawman. Most people only know me as someone who likes Keeping up Appearances and Antiques Roadshow on PBS. :)
I'm a real homebody. Love to hide in my studio and do what I love most: creating. I really drag to go out being social. That sounds awful when I write it down really... but you asked for it.
Oh, and I also crop, crop, crop to hide all the mess I make...
Well.... where do I start?? Not many people in my current life know that I learned to be a grease monkey when my dad gave me my first car at 18yo. It cost him $60 and didn't work so the deal was that I had to fix it and then I could use it. ;o) I knew way more about the mechanics of a car than my boyfriend of the time. ;o) The other thing would probably be that I've done a tandem parachute jump and also a bungy jump. So. There. It's out of the bag. ;o)
As a child I accidentally hit my dad in the face and knocked a tooth out!
I'm devestated The Bill has been canned.
Wow... you sure have a lot of give-aways! How can you afford it?
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